1991-2000 GM 6.5 Turbochargers

All Categories >> GM >> GM 1982-2003 6.2 & 6.5 >> Turbochargers
1993 GM 3 6.5L Diesel Turbocharger Sale $617.50
1993-19994 GM 4 6.5L Diesel Turbocharger Sale $617.50
1996-2000 GM 6 6.5L Diesel Turbocharger - Van Application Sale $902.50
1995-2000 GM 8 6.5L Diesel Turbocharger Sale $617.50

1991-2000 GM 6.5 Turbochargers

Huckstorf Diesel rebuilds turbochargers in house. We can repair yours or send you an exchange. If your turbo is not in bad shape our repairs usually beat the exchange price. The exchange system works great when you need the part back right away instead of a two or three day turnaround on a rebuild.  Please give us a call with your needs.

Year Range


Part Number

1991-1992 CK GM1 Rebuilt / Exchange Turbo 10183934 or 12515808
1993 CK GM3 Rebuilt / Exchange Turbo 10226226 or 12521577
1993-1994 CK GM4 Rebuilt / Exchange Turbo 10154652 or 12512988
1995-1998 CK GM5 Rebuilt / Exchange Turbo 12552738 or 12530336
(use GM8)
1996-2000 Van GM6 Rebuilt / Exchange Turbo 10241690 or 12530339
1997-2000 CK GM8 Rebuilt / Exchange Turbo 12530339 or 12556124

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